Ecommerce Product Tracking for Successful Reselling




  Amazon Reseller


Santiago, Chile

I have my own script but I have a lot of problems with the captcha. When you try to get a lot of information from Amazon, Amazon blocks you, sends you to the captcha page. That's my main problem with my only script. But with Octoparse I can get information from Amazon without being blocked.

 — an eCommerce entrepreneur in Santiago, Chile

Octoparse Customer in eCommerce

The customer owns an eCommerce platform in Santiago, selling products sourced from Amazon exclusively. Needless to say, Amazon data plays a critical part in running the business. Getting a good handle of this data gives the competitive edge he needs to compete against larger eCommerce companies. 

The Challenge

Keeping prices up-to-date and competitive for over 200,000 products on the shelf. 

The Solution

The customer currently has twenty automatic crawlers set up in Octoparse, visiting the target product pages and fetching approx. 200,000 fresh price data from Amazon every day. 

Octoparse's Cloud service makes it possible to monitor and extract fresh and accurate product information from any eCommerce websites automatically and routinely. 

Why Octoparse

Get around obstacles to reach the data

“I have my own script. But I have a lot of problems with the captcha. When you try to get a lot of information from Amazon, Amazon blocks you and sends you to the captcha page. That's my main problem with my own script. But with octoparse I can get information from Amazon without being blocked.

Easy setup

“And this option that you have in the software when you create a task, you can do like a click in the Octoparse. Then I got a new task, a new crawler.”

“That option helped me a lot and my company. It is the main option that makes me change from the previous solution to Octoparse.

Success comes from fresh data

“The most obvious advantage I feel about Octoparse is the speed of the crawlers, mhm. I can get a lot, in comparison to some other scraping tools. I think Octoparse has a good time getting information about each product on Amazon. This exemplifies why I choose Octoparse.”

“We are now using Octoparse to scrape everyday. I have 20 crawlers of 10,000 data each.”

 Octoparse is made for success  

Data quality is of the utmost importance when it comes to creating the right pricing strategies for your eCommerce business. 

Octoparse helps eCommerce businesses, big or small, working to remove obstacles along the data harvesting journey to get the data you need from all across the web. Turn possibilities into realities with accurate and fresh data at your fingertips. 

The right data leads to sustainable growth! 

We work closely with you to understand your data requirements and make sure we deliver exactly what you need. 

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